Friday, October 2, 2009

Dr Shivers on Complementary Cancer Therapies

Achieve Healthy Longevity

There are Natural Cancer remedies to help support you through Chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These therapies are to be used in combination, and not intended to replace your physician therpies.Cancer is such a debilitating disease, and the treatments themselves can be very toxic to you system. Nutritional supplementation and Herbal remedies can often help you through this process and have been frequently shown to prolong life.

I can't stress enough the importance of nutrition while taking Chemotherapy and radiation therapy to help your body heal through the toxic effects of this process. Diets high in fresh fruits and vegetables are very important in helping you cope with the side-effects of these regimens. Also limiting the amount of fatty foods, and denatured food is also an important step. Poor diets are often a contributing cause of the cancer itself. Fruits are naturally high in antioxidants that help in the prevention of Cancer. Apples, Citrus fruits and figs are some of the fruits to include in your diet. Dr. Allan Tillotson writes in his Book "The One Earth Herbal Source Book that eating one tangerine a day to include the pulp behind the peel will help in the healing process. When eating fruits, it is best to eat them on an empty stomach to obtain the maximum benefit. Some of the vegetables that have been shown to have Cancer fighting properties are Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Spouts, Cabbage( especially the green leaves), Cauliflower and soybeans. I strongly recommend investing in a juicer. This allows you to injest many vegetables throughout the day. I always say the more the merrier.

There are many nutritional supplement that have been shown to help in preventing and in the treament process these include antioxidants, Glutathione, Flavonoids, and lioic Acids. These can be purchase separately but can also be found in many of the foods we eat. Wheat sprouts have a high level of Glutathione, and can be placed on your sandwhiches or salads is one example. Organic produce of course are better, but if you don't have access to them then eat the fresh fruits and vegetables that are available to you.

There have been many herbs that have claims to healing or preventing cancer, but rember there is no panacea for anything. However using herbs throughout your treatment process is very helpful. Most remedies are used in formulas and there are many formulas out there. Micheal Tierra has two good formulas in His book "Planetary Herbology" Formula 15 and 16. Both contains mostly herbs that are readily available. TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine) have many formulas that are purported to be excellent. These are best obtained from a traditional Chinese Practioner. Ayuvedic medicine also have many complementary formulas as well as Native American formulas. Some of the more common formulas are Hoxsey formula and Eissac formula which often can be purchased in herbal stores. Most of these formulas have some common denominators, and I will speak on a couple of these herbs.

Red Clover Blossoms are mentioned quite frequenty in numerous formulas.They have been shown to have some anti tumor properties. It does have phytoestrogenic activity and therfore could increase growth of estrogen dependent breast cancer so be carfeul. They can be found in many Health food stores. Drinking a cup of tea a day can be very beneficial.

Dandelion is also another important herb used in many formulas. Its properties are generally used in cleansing the liver and generally in detoxing the body. Many parts of the dandelion plant have shown activity. Dandelion root helps with indigestion and lost of appetite. The dandelion flowers are used for liver detoxifications and inhibit tumor growth. Dandelion leaves are high in nutritional value. We all know how difficult it is to kill off dandelion in our yards, just think how it can strengthen you. You may never look at those pesky flowers the same way again

Various Ginsengs- Panax,Siberian and American are various types pf ginseng avaialable. All are consider adaptogens in the body. Studies have shown that the ginseng enhance the effects of both radiation and chemotherapy in the body. There are two main chemicals called ginsan and polyacetycimic Alcohol that help to destroy tumor cells and slow tumor growth. Ginseng will help with energy levels, and relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Tumeric is a wonderful herb that has been used in Ayuvedic medicine for centuries.It contains a substance called curcumin that have anti inflammatory properties as well as anticancer properties. It has high antioxidant levels, and can protect the body from oxidative damage, as well as helping to detoxify the body. Most only know Tumeric for its use in Curry but it is consider one of the most benficial herbs in Ayuvedic medicine and TCM

Medicinal Mushrooms are a group of mushrooms that are tonic herbs that help to rebuid the body. Include in the group are thing like Chaga, Maitake, Gandoderma, Reishi, Shiitake and Cordceps. These mushrooms have been used for year and China and Japan, and are known as tonic herbs. Most have anti tumor properties as well as immune stimulants. Studies in Japan and China have shown them to have beneficial effects in conjunction with chemotherapy, and often help reduce some of the side-effects of chemotherapy. Shiitaki mushrooms have actually been licensed in Japan as Anticancer agent.These mushrooms generally have little or no sideeffects, but the benefits can be enormous
There are numerous other herbs out there that have been studied for certain specific cancer. A qualified practioner of herbal medicine can suggest specific therapies for you.

There are numerous other therapies that can be used including things like accupuncture, reiki , and meditation just to name a few. The important thing when dealing with Cancer is to take control of your body and not lay down and accept a terminal prognosis. Finally one must look to faith. No matter what your religion prayer by you and by others for you has had powerful effects on patients with cancer and numerous other diseases. Seeing yourself healed and believing that you will be healed is a major step in healing your cancer or any other disease. So I say Pray Pray Pray!!!

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